==== Course Units ==== In the context of a course, the platform gives the learner the opportunity to view and use the material of the various learning modules or **units** created by the instructor. To see the content and resources contained in each unit, all you have to do is click on its title. [{{ :en:student:ecourse:student_en_4_course_units1.jpg?500 |course units}}] \\ A number of **course resources** are available for viewing in each unit, possibly including exercises, assignments, documents, texts, links, learning paths, multimedia files, discussion areas, e-books, questionnaires or wikis. For example, to view the content of a PDF file just click on its title. The same applies to the other resources listed in each unit. [{{ :en:student:ecourse:student_en_4_course_units2.jpg?500 |unit material}}] \\ __**See also**__ [[:en:student:course_units:unit_badge|Unit Completion]]\\