=== Question Bank === A new feature provided by the upgraded version of the exercises is the "Question Bank". Click on the corresponding icon to enter. [{{ :en:teacher:exercises:exercises_pool_teacher13_eng.jpg?550 |Question pool }}] In the Question Pool you can create new questions ("New Question" button) or create a copy ("Create Dublicate" button) to transfer them to another course or simply to save the questions. [{{ :en:teacher:exercises:exercises_pool_teacher14_eng.jpg?550 |New Question or Create Dublicate }}] The open-eClass platform allows you to delete from the question bank those questions that are not used in any exercise. To delete unused questions from the question bank go to the exercises subsystem and select the question bank icon. Then select the "Delete unused questions" option in the pop-up menu and confirm the deletion as shown in the image below. [{{ :en:teacher:exercises:exercises_pool_teacher8_eng.jpg?550 |Delete unused questions}}] [{{ :en:teacher:exercises:exercises_pool_teacher9_eng.jpg?550 |Delete unused questions}}] A new feature of the eclass platform is the creation of a **Pdf** file containing the questions of the question bank you have created, but you also have a set of criteria regarding the content of the Pdf file.Specifically, you can select the questions it will contain (from a drop-down list box), the level of difficulty (easy, medium, difficult, very difficult) and the category. The specific criteria can be used independently and can be contained within the pdf or in combination with each other. [{{ :en:teacher:exercises:exercises_pool_teacher7_eng.jpg?550 |Selection of question bank criteria}}] So in this way, for example, let's say you would like the platform to show you all the questions contained in category 1 through the corresponding controller. Then having all the questions of that category on your screen you can click on the "Export in PDF format" button to create a pdf file containing all the questions of category 1. [{{ :en:teacher:exercises:exercises_pool_teacher5_eng.jpg?550 |Selection of question bank criteria}}] [{{ :en:teacher:exercises:exercises_pool_teacher6_eng.jpg?550 |Selection of question bank criteria}}] __** See also**__ [[en:teacher:exercises: question_bank_import|Import questions from Question Bank]]