==== Automatic enrollment ==== The "Automatic Recording" subsystem provides the platform manager with the ability to add rules for auto-enrollment of both learners and tutors. Specifically, you can add: * Add Rule (Trainees) * Add Rule (Trainers) If you choose to add a rule for learners to the form displayed, you need to specify the category to which that rule belongs and the courses that will be automatically enrolled.If you choose to add a rule for learners to the form that is displayed you will need to specify the category to which this rule belongs, as well as the courses in which the automatic registration will be done. You can also specify sections where learners can be automatically enrolled in all their courses. The process is completed by selecting the "Submit" link. If you choose to add a rule for the tutors in the form that appears, you should specify the category to which this rule belongs and the courses that will be auto-enrolled. If you choose to add a rule for the tutors in the form that appears, you should specify the category to which this rule belongs and the courses that will be auto-enrolled. You can also specify the sections where you can automatically register instructors in all their courses. The process is completed by selecting the "Submit" link.