External Tools


TurnitIn is a commercial product and is used to control plagiarism. To switch to the TurnitIn settings, click on the links: Management Options - Platform Management - External Tools - TurnitIn. A set of settings are available on this screen.

The left button is for activating - disabling this tool and the right button for the individual settings.

Turning on TurnitIn then you should select the “Add a new TurnitIn application” link.

On the display screen you should first select the title and description of the new TurnitIn application. You then have to enter the two keys (LTI Provider Key, LTI Provider Key *) given to you by TurnitIn. Finally, you can select “Embedded” from the popup menu to turn TurnitIn into the Openeclass platform.

Complete the process by selecting the “Add” link.

* The keys (LTI Provider Key, LTI Provider Key) shown are indicative and do not correspond to reality.