
The “Exercises” module provides the student with the opportunity to participate in self-assessment exercises within the course. The exercises home page shows all the exercises you are eligible to participate in.

Exercises Home page

The main purpose of the exercises is to train the students in the subject matter. Some exercises require particular attention because there may be time constraints or limitations on the number of allowed repetitions. In time constraints, we need to pay attention to both the starting and ending date of an exercise and the limitation on the duration of the exercise (eg 20 minutes). The types of questions that can be presented in an exercise are:

To perform a self-assessment exercise simply click on the link to the name of the exercise. Questions that will belong to one of the above categories (Multiple Choice, Blank Fill, Correct / False) will automatically appear.

Exercise Questions

For multiple choice category (single answer, multiple answers) you select the answers you consider correct depending on the type of question based on the corresponding menu. Here there is an option of clearing the answers you gave (before final submission) in the particular type of exercises by clicking on the “clear” button on the right side of the screen.In the true-false question type you just need to select the correct answer. Here too you have the option of clearing the answer based on the corresponding button. For the “fill in the blanks” question category, type the answer you think is correct in the exercise blank. Finally for the “matching” questions you select the corresponding columns from the drop-down lists. Having completed all the questions of the specific exercise, select the “Final Submission” link for final submission of the exercise.

After the completion of the process, the platform informs you that you have successfully completed the specific exercise and your performance in each question is displayed (if the teacher has activated it).At the top of the page, the total score you have achieved in the specific exercise is displayed.

Exercise Total Score

Exercise Questions

Returning to the main page of the exercises you now notice that the “Show” link appears for the specific exercise.By clicking on this link you can see more information about the exercise you have performed e.g. duration of the exercise, total score and the current status of the exercise.

Exercise Status

In addition to time constraints, the teacher may have chosen to “Lock” a particular exercise. So with the code given to you by the teacher of the course you can access the exercise. Simply enter your code in the corresponding field in order to “Unlock” the exercise in order to perform it.

Exercise Password