
The subsystem “Teleconference” provides the instructor the following features :

Originally set in collaboration with the platform administrator bbb server to be used for video conferencing course then activate the tools subsystem “Teleconference”

Enable subsystem “Teleconference”

Choosing the subsystem “Teleconference” you are given the opportunity to schedule a new conference call for the course.

Νew Teleconference Programming

Then introduced the title of the conference call, a brief description, the date and time of conducting, participating in it, whether or not to record the videoconference, kind of (public, private), the maximum number of participants this and whether to notify or not registered users to conduct

Introduction videoconferencing data

The result after entering the details for planning teleconference shown below.

Planned teleconference

Clicking on a specific scheduled teleconference transferred to bbb tool through this teleconference place.