Personal Portfolio
When you log in to the platform (enter your username and password) you will be in your portfolio, a space that allows you to organise and control your participation in the platform's online courses.
In the left column, you have a number of options available to you regarding course registration, the configuration of your profile, your personal course calendar, announcements, etc., which are presented in detail below.
"My courses"
The “My courses” area displays the list of courses in which you are enrolled. In the courses you are enrolled in you are then given the option to unregister, view the course, and add it to your favourites. Each course consists of the course title, followed in the next line by the course instructors. Clicking on the title of a course from the list enters the online course.
"My announcements"
This area displays the latest announcements in the courses the user is enrolled in. These announcements are sorted by course and by date. Each announcement is a link to the announcement tool of the corresponding course and is limited to 150 characters. If an announcement is longer than 150 characters then a “…[More]” is added. This means that to see the whole announcement you have to go to the announcement tool of the corresponding course.
"My calendar"
This area displays the latest announcements in the courses the user is enrolled in. These announcements are sorted by course and by date. Each announcement is a link to the announcement tool of the corresponding course and is limited to 150 characters. If an announcement is longer than 150 characters then a “…[More]” is added. This means that to see the whole announcement you have to go to the announcement tool of the corresponding course. Area “My Calendar”
"My messages"
Displays the latest messages from the courses the user is enrolled in.